Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Last class...

Sadly went to my last photography class tonight, and I am really going to miss it. You form friendships and it's fun talking photography with other people and gain their insights. It was a phenominal group of people, and our instructer was Amazing...he's very inspiring and has really forced me to think and look at subjects in different ways. Thank-you so much S. Preston Jones!
His work is wonderful and we saw many of his portraits tonight....breathtaking....

As for my series, "Abandoned" actually developed into 3 separate series, 2 of which involve the elementary school I've been shooting. First there's the school and the playground, and the outside elements. Then the beautiful graffiti on the inside that is so colorful Preston suggested "Beauty in Abandonment", and then there's the old barns and buildings. So these are still on-going, and will be built upon. I have an idea for a book you can make on line for the school, when I am done there, thanks to Kay, and Tim thought it would be a great idea to contact some of the past teachers and students and get some of their thoughts and stories to add to it. It could really become a project! Like I said , these are phenominal people and amazing things happen when you can bounce ideas of each other and learn.

I'm going to miss my class and these people! You can bet I'll sign up for more, I have learned so much.

For now, need to play with a lens I'm renting, learn photoshop cs3 and lightroom, get better at cutting mats and just have fun shooting. Also have a few other series I need to start, one is of a special woman in town and her music. Hope to be able to find LOTS of models....the people I work with and friends I think will be generous with their kids.
Also, a little girl I know has just gone though major heart surgery, she's in recovery, just turned 2. Please put her in your prayers.

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