Well, it's almost 2010, and this year I am really going to try to stick to some of my resolutions. What's important to me? Setting priorities, such as first God, then Family, then work etc..., giving up some habits and making news ones (excersizing, organizing, making more fun family time) really celebrating my Moms' life and trying to be more like the wonderful mother that she was.
Also I am doing the 365 photography thing, a picture a day so I can see at the years end that I have actually done something. And to shoot more purposefully. Will I actually do these things? Who knows....but ya gotta try.
Actually, I have made some progress, I filled my Frankin Planner today for 2010, my favorite job of the year. I feel like I am starting with a clean slate! My Wii Fit Plus came in the mail today, and I already made up a link for my 365 so hey, we will see! Besides, it's a Blue Moon.