Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Two darling girls

We had our grand-daughters for the weekend,

and they are the sweetest little girls....I love them

to pieces! I already miss their tiny little voices.

And I finally got a chance to photograph them,

here's a few with more to come later.

Love you girls!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

"What is an Egg?"...

is the homework assignment from my right brain photography class, and

I am really struggling with it because I don't feel I'm very artistic...

which is why I chose this class.

The instructor, S. Preston Jones

is truly amazing...His work is

absolutely wonderful.

So...I felt quite silly photo-

graphing an egg, but after

awhile some ideas started to

flow...Not nearly enough,


Several eggs later, here's

a few pix.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

At the Oxbow....

A really cool trail at the Nature Center, makes me want a

huge snowstorm to get some Winter Snow pictures, but I did

get a few macros. It was a snowy/rainy day and there were a
million raindrops glistening on the trees..It was a GREAT hike...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Sad Day...

One of my dear Uncles passed away this morning. Uncle Dick, 87, will be greatly missed. He was a gentle soul who always had a smile on his face and had such amazing musical talent. He composed alot of the scores for the bands he was in, played the sax and trumpet, and had a voice you wouldn't believe....absolutely beautiful. I remember hearing him play when I was a little girl, and I fell in love with the trumpet, because of him. So today was my "Uncle Dick" day, I was sad so I decided to listen to his tapes, and you know what? It made me smile, and it brought back some happy memories, and that is the only way I know how to fill up the hole that is left in my heart.

I lost 3 Aunts and Uncles in the last 16 months and each one was very special to me. This is the difficult part of life, but it IS a part of life, so we cope, and listen to music, enjoy our memories and speak of them often and in this way we keep them alive.

I'm going to miss you, Uncle Dick...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Studio Lights

with a new soft box. I think I
like it....with a little more practice!

Speed light off camera.